Inland Fisheries (Seaward Limits) Order 2004

Tasmanian Crest
Inland Fisheries (Seaward Limits) Order 2004

I make the following order under section 6(1) of the Inland Fisheries Act 1995 with the agreement of the Minister responsible for the administration of the Living Marine Resources Management Act 1995 .

3 March 2004

S. Kons

Minister for Primary Industries and Water

1.   Short title

This order may be cited as the Inland Fisheries (Seaward Limits) Order 2004 .

2.   Commencement

This order takes effect on the day on which its making is notified in the Gazette.

3.   Interpretation

(1)  In this order –
Act means the Inland Fisheries Act 1995 ;
grid reference means the grid reference taken from the Universal Grid Reference System used in Tasmania.
(2)  Where, in this order, a road is referred to by a capital letter and a numeral that reference is to the road so identified by that capital letter and numeral in the classification of roads used in Tasmania.

4.   Seaward limits

The seaward limits of the rivers, creeks and rivulets specified in Schedule 1 to this order are as defined in that Schedule.

5.   Inland Fisheries (Seaward Limits) Order 1996 revoked

The Inland Fisheries (Seaward Limits) Order 1996 is revoked.
SCHEDULE 1 - Seaward limits of certain rivers

Clause 4

[Schedule 1 Amended by S.R. 2010, No. 82, Applied:18 Aug 2010]


Seaward limit


Ansons River

An imaginary straight line drawn across the mouth of that river where it enters Ansons Bay, the southern boundary of that river's seaward limit at grid reference 606000/5454600 and the northern boundary of that river's seaward limit at grid reference 605800/5454900.


Apsley River

An imaginary straight line drawn between the 2 white posts situated on opposite banks of that river near to the place where it enters Moulting Lagoon.


Arthur River

The mouth of that river at grid reference 303452/5452424.


Bird River

The mouth of that river where it enters Macquarie Harbour at grid reference 380820/5309252.


Black River

The downstream side of the bridge carrying the A2 road across that river.


Blythe River

The downstream side of the bridge carrying the A2 across that river.


Boobyalla River

The mouth of that river where it enters Boobyalla Inlet at grid reference 573823/5472575.


Braddon River

The mouth of that river where it enters Macquarie Harbour at grid reference 373332/5312052.


Brid River

The downstream side of the bridge carrying the B84 road across that river.


Buxton River

The downstream side of the bridge carrying the A3 road across that river.


Cam River

The downstream side of the bridge carrying the A2 road across that river.


Camp Creek

The downstream side of the bridge carrying the railway across that creek.


Carlton River

The downstream side of the bridge carrying the C329 road across that river.


Catamaran River

The mouth of that river where it enters Recherche Bay at grid reference 490913/5177619.


Coal River

An imaginary straight line running north-east across that river from Saltbush Point at grid reference 53600/526100.


Constable Creek

The downstream side of the bridge carrying the A3 road across that creek.


Davey River

The upper end of Brooks Reach on that river at grid reference 412872/5217634.


D'Entrecasteaux River

The mouth of that river where it enters Recherche Bay at grid reference 492030/5181631.


Detention River

The downstream side of the bridge carrying the A2 road across that river.


Don River

The downstream side of the bridge carrying the railway across that river.


Douglas River

The downstream side of the bridge carrying the A3 road across that river.


Duck River

The upstream side of the bridge across that river that lies nearest to the mouth of that river.


Emu River

The downstream side of the bridge carrying the A2 road across that river.


Esperance River

An imaginary straight line running south-west to north-east across that river extending along the western shoreline of Chale Bay, the southern boundary of that river's seaward limit at grid reference 498500/5202400 and the northern boundary of that river's seaward limit at grid reference 498600/5202700.


Forth River

The downstream side of the bridge carrying the A2 road across that river.


Georges River

The downstream side of the bridge carrying the C850 road across that river.


Golden Fleece Rivulet

The downstream side of the bridge carrying the A3 road across that rivulet.


Gordon River

The mouth of that river at grid reference 377426/5300554.


Great Forester River

The point where that river, when flowing through Adams Cut, enters Anderson Bay at grid reference 537000/5460780, being a continuation of the high-water mark on Waterhouse Beach.


Henty River

The mouth of that river at grid reference 356499/5346132.


Hibbs River

The mouth of that river where it enters the lagoon on that river at grid reference 362072/5285302.


Huon River

An imaginary straight line drawn between a white post situated on the shore of the southern side of Castle Forbes Bay and another white post situated to the eastward of that post on the opposite bank of the Huon River.


Inglis River

The downstream side of the bridge carrying the C234 road across that river.


King River

The mouth of that river where it enters Macquarie Harbour at grid reference 364224/5327309.


Leven River

The downstream side of the bridge carrying the A1 road across that river.


Little Forester River

The mouth of that river at grid reference 530029/5463632.


Little Henty River

The mouth of that river at grid reference 351205/5351731.


Little Pipers River

The mouth of that river at grid reference 516680/5461208.


Little Swanport River

The downstream side of the bridge carrying the A3 road across that river.


Louisa River

The mouth of that river at grid reference 449050/5179746.


Lune River

An imaginary straight line drawn across that river running north-east and south-west and passing through the north-western extremity of Echo Island at grid reference 492693/5190887.


Mainwaring River

The mouth of that river at grid reference 372372/5252482.


Mersey River

An imaginary straight line running north-east across that river from the junction of the B19 road and Tarleton Road on the western shore of that river to the boat ramp on the eastern shore of that river.


Montagu River

An imaginary straight line describing the shortest distance across that river from the old ballast wharf at grid reference 324540/5485049.


Muddy Creek, flowing into Port Sorell

An imaginary straight line drawn between the white posts on opposite banks of that creek near the southern boundary of the town of Burgess.


Mulcahy River

The mouth of that river at grid reference 395361/5225872.


Nelson Bay

The mouth of that river at grid reference 304991/5442898.


New River

The mouth of that river where it enters New River Lagoon at grid reference 464275/5186940.


North River

The mouth of that river where it enters North Inlet, Bathurst Harbour at grid reference 431506/5205506.


Old River

The mouth of that river where it enters Bathurst Harbour at grid reference 437392/5202478.


Pieman River

An imaginary straight line running south-east across that river from Ferry Point at grid reference 327698/5385918.


Pipers Brook River

The right-angled bend in that river at grid reference 513350/5457900.


Pipers River

An imaginary straight line drawn between the 2 white posts on opposite shores of the estuary of that river near the upstream limits of that estuary.


Prosser River

The downstream side of the bridge carrying the A3 road across that river.


Ringarooma River

A point below the marshes on that river where it enters Boobyalla Inlet at grid reference 574658/5474108.


River Derwent

The parallel of latitude of the eastern extremity of Dogshear Point.


River Franklin

The parallel of latitude of the southernmost point of the island known as Devils Nut situated downstream of the bridge carrying the main road from Harford to Frankford across that river.


River Rubicon, flowing into Port Sorell

The upstream side of the bridge carrying the main road from Harford to Frankford across that river.


River Tamar

The parallel of latitude of Haystack Point.


Sandspit River

The mouth of that river where it enters Rheban Lagoon at grid reference 576279/5277769.


Scamander River

The downstream side of the bridge carrying the A3 road across that river.


Seabrook Creek

The mouth of that creek at grid reference 397101/5459735.


Sorell River

The mouth of that river where it enters Birchs Inlet at grid reference 374750/5290479.


Sorell Rivulet

The mouth of that rivulet at grid reference 546114/5261840.


South Cape Rivulet

The mouth of that rivulet at grid reference 482513/5172358.


Spero River

The mouth of that river at grid reference 363355/5278076.


Spring River

The mouth of that river where it enters Joe Page Bay, Bathurst Harbour at grid reference 423854/5204653.


Sulphur Creek

The downstream side of the bridge carrying the railway across that creek.


Swan River

An imaginary straight line drawn between the white posts situated on opposite banks of that river near to the place where it enters King Bay.


Thornton River

The mouth of that river at grid reference 312322/5421024.


Tomahawk River

One kilometre below the bridge across that river where it widens into an estuary at grid reference 562800/5474300.


Urquart River

The mouth of that river at grid reference 369692/5262152.


Wanderer River

The mouth of that river at grid reference 368325/5268297.


Welcome River

The mouth of that river at grid reference 311543/5487816.

Displayed and numbered in accordance with the Rules Publication Act 1953.

Notified in the Gazette on 10 March 2004

This order is administered in the Department of Primary Industries, Water and Environment.