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Browse A-Z

The Browse pages allow you to see the names of the Legislation present in the Database, in an alphabetical list. It also allows you to view subordinate legislation. You can refine the Browse results with the following controls:

Browse Controls

Choose type of legislation to browse. Either: Enacted Legislation, Legislation as Made or Amending Legislation. You can just choose a letter to find legislation starting with that letter. You can also choose a year to see any legislation that was published that year.

Results will be shown in a table at the bottom of the screen.

Browse Results

Click on the Legislation Title in the Browse Results list to view that piece of legislation.

List Subordinate

Clicking on the icon next to the Legislation Title will allow you to see a list of all of the Subordinate Legislation which has been made under that Act, after May 1998.

Moving Through Results

If more than 10 titles match your search, the results will be broken down into a series of pages.
To move through the results, click on a page number, or the previous or next links shown at the bottom of the results list.

Quick Search

The Quick Search is in the navigation bar at the top of every page. This allows you to do a search on the title and content of all legislation from any screen.

Browse Controls

Type in the keyword to be used in the search. Click the submit button to perform the search.


The View screen allows you to see the full text of Tasmanian Legislation
The View screen consists of a menu bar, and two text viewing frames. The bottom left frame shows the Table of Contents for the legislation. The bottom right frame shows the full text of the legislation.

Table Of Contents

The entries in the Table of Contents are hypertext links, so you may navigate by clicking on entries in that Table of Contents window.

Clicking on the Title allows you to see the legislation that you are currently viewing as one single large document, instead of a collection of pages. This operation can take some time for large pieces of legislation, as the consolidation must be calculated on the fly.

Full Text View

A number of buttons are provided in the full text view.

Print Page will open the piece of legislation (whole, part or section) in a format suitable for printing

The Find Component button searches for all references in the Tasmanian Legislation to the section of the legislation that you are currently viewing. Clicking on this button will take you to a search results screen that shows all such references.

The Find Legislation button searches for all references in the Tasmanian Legislation to the legislation that you are currently viewing. Clicking on this button will take you to a search results screen that shows all such references.

The History Display button turns on or off the display of history notes. These notes give details of the amendment operations which have been applied to the legislation over time.

The icon is grey when History is off and green when History is displayed.

PDF File Downloads.

For new legislation as made, a PDF file of the legislation can be downloaded using the PDF button on the menu bar above the legislation title. PDF files are also available for some consolidated legislation, in which case the "Authorised Versions" button will show on the same menu bar.

Atom Feeds

You can subscribe to the Atom feed to receive news about any updates to this legislation.

Point In Time

The CHANGES OVER TIME table appears at the bottom of the legislation you are viewing, when there is more than one version of that provision available. It allows you to move to historical versions of the provision at different points in time.

The dates represent the changes made to the document and are ordered chronologically. The highlighted date indicates the version of the legislation that is currently being viewed. Clicking on a date will take you to the version consolidated at that point in time.

You can change the way that the timeline is displayed by visiting the preferences page and choosing your preferred display option. You can choose from the following options:

  • Interactive Timeline - A timeline that displays the period of time that a particular version of legislation was valid. You can move the timeline by swiping left or right using the mouse, and you can zoom in using the buttons at the top left corner of the timeline. The timeline will zoom out to show the entire lifetime of the legislation by default.
  • Buttons - Displays buttons that will link to a given version of legislation as indicated by the button's description. Enabled by default on older browsers.

Linking To Legislation

Links can be made to access whole Acts or Statutory Rules, or just specific components such as Sections or Parts. Links can be created to reference current consolidations, or consolidations at a specific time point.

Linking To a Document

To describe the required URL structure, consider the following HTML mark-up that creates a link to the current consolidation of the Police Offences Act 1935 (No.44 of 1935): <a href=>Police Offences Act 1935 (No.44 of 1935)</a> The example HTML would be rendered to a hyper-text link like this: Example Act

The URL directs the browser to the legislation page and includes the id parameter that specifies the legislation and consolidation to be viewed. The id parameter is a formatted string that encodes the Act or Statutory Rule number, the Act or Statutory Rule year, the location within the document, and the consolidation date. Each component is separated by the / character:

URL - view/format/status/date/id
  • view
  • format - View the HTML page, or download a PDF or XML copy of the legislation (html, pdf, xml)
  • status - The current status of the legislation (inforce, amending, asmade, repealed)
  • date - Retrieve the document that was valid at the given point-in-time (yyyy-mm-dd, current)
  • id - Format: type-year-number
    • type - act, sr, bill
    • year - yyyy e.g. 1935
    • number - act/sr number e.g. 044

For example, the parameters used to reference the Police Offences Act 1935, consolidated as at February 1, 1997 are encoded as follows:>Police Offences Act 1935 (No.44 of 1935)

A reference to a Stat Rule (in this example, the Child Care (Fees) Regulations 2003 (S.R. 2003, No. 70) as at 11 December 2003) is encoded like this:

Linking To a Document Location

The hash value of the URL is a code used within the document to give each position in the document an identifier that can be referenced. AT@EN means the Title location in the document and is used when the whole document is targeted. GS1@EN means section 1, GS2@EN means section 2, JS1@EN means schedule 1, etc. To find out more codes, run your cursor over the links from the table of contents to the documents in the component view screen, and you will see the codes in the URL.

Linking To a Document At a Particular Time Point

The date value of the URL is coded as YYYY-MM-DD. This date is used to construct a consolidation of the requested Act or Statutory Rule; if there is no valid consolidation at that date and time, then EnAct displays an appropriate message page.

To view the current consolidation of a requested Act or Statutory Rule, the date component of the url is set to current.

Last updated Sunday, February 12, 2023 19:18 PM