Reproductive Health (Access to Terminations) Regulations 2024
I, the Governor in and over the State of Tasmania and its Dependencies in the Commonwealth of Australia, acting with the advice of the Executive Council, make the following regulations under the Reproductive Health (Access to Terminations) Act 2013 .
30 January 2024B. BAKER
By Her Excellency's Command,
Minister for Health
These regulations may be cited as the Reproductive Health (Access to Terminations) Regulations 2024 .
These regulations take effect on 12 February 2024.
In these regulations Act means the Reproductive Health (Access to Terminations) Act 2013 .
(1) For the purposes of sections 7(2) and (4) of the Act, the following are prescribed health services:(a) Family Planning Tasmania (ABN 15 336 959 174);(b) Pulse Youth Health (if the woman seeking a termination or advice regarding the full range of pregnancy options is under 25 years of age) as operated by Tasmanian Health Service (ABN 15 359 196 040);(c) The Link-Youth Health Service Inc. (ABN 11 770 186 878) (if the woman seeking a termination or advice regarding the full range of pregnancy options is under 26 years of age);(d) Womens Health Tasmania Inc. (ABN 49 915 520 678);(e) Womens Health Information Line as operated by Womens Health Tasmania Inc. (ABN 49 915 520 678).(2) If a medical practitioner provides a woman with a list of prescribed health services under section 7 of the Act, the medical practitioner is to provide the contact details for each health service specified in subregulation (1) .
5. Infringement notice offences and penalties
For the purposes of section 11 of the Act, an offence against section 9(8) of the Act is prescribed as an infringement offence for which an infringement notice may be issued and served, and the prescribed penalty payable under that infringement offence is 2 penalty units.
Displayed and numbered in accordance with the Rules Publication Act 1953.
Notified in the Gazette on 7 February 2024
These regulations are administered in the Department of Health.
(This note is not part of the regulation)
These regulations (a) prescribe (i) health services for the purposes of section 7 of the Reproductive Health (Access to Terminations) Act 2013 ; and(ii) an offence against a provision of the Reproductive Health (Access to Terminations) Act 2013 as an infringement offence for which an infringement notice may be issued and served; and(iii) the penalty payable under that infringement offence; and(b) are made consequentially on the repeal of the Reproductive Health (Access to Terminations) Regulations 2014 under section 11 of the Subordinate Legislation Act 1992 .