Racing Regulation and Integrity (Consequential Amendments) Act 2024

Tasmanian Crest
Racing Regulation and Integrity (Consequential Amendments) Act 2024

An Act to amend certain legislation consequent on the enactment of the Racing Regulation and Integrity Act 2024

[Royal Assent 5 September 2024]

Be it enacted by Her Excellency the Governor of Tasmania, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council and House of Assembly, in Parliament assembled, as follows:

PART 1 - Preliminary

1.   Short title

This Act may be cited as the Racing Regulation and Integrity (Consequential Amendments) Act 2024 .

2.   Commencement

This Act commences on a day to be proclaimed.
PART 2 - Animal Welfare Act 1993 Amended

3.   Principal Act

In this Part, the Animal Welfare Act 1993 is referred to as the Principal Act.

4.    Section 25 amended (Examination of animals)

Section 25(2) of the Principal Act is amended by omitting " Racing Regulation Act 2004 " and substituting "Racing Regulation and Integrity Act 2024".

5.    Section 39 amended (Membership of Advisory Committee)

Section 39(1)(da) of the Principal Act is amended by omitting " Racing Regulation Act 2004 " and substituting "Racing Regulation and Integrity Act 2024".
PART 3 - Annulled Convictions Act 2003 Amended

6.   Principal Act

In this Part, the Annulled Convictions Act 2003 is referred to as the Principal Act.

7.    Schedule 1 amended (Non-exempt applications)

Part 5 of Schedule 1 to the Principal Act is amended as follows:
(a) by omitting from clause 3 " Racing Regulation Act 2004 " and substituting "Racing Regulation and Integrity Act 2024";
(b) by omitting from clause 4 " Racing Regulation Act 2004 " and substituting "Racing Regulation and Integrity Act 2024".
PART 4 - Anzac Day Observance Act 1929 Amended

8.   Principal Act

In this Part, the Anzac Day Observance Act 1929 is referred to as the Principal Act.

9.    Section 3 amended (Interpretation of Part II)

Section 3 of the Principal Act is amended as follows:
(a) by omitting " Racing Regulation Act 2004 " from the definition of bookmaking and substituting "Racing Regulation and Integrity Act 2024";
(b) by omitting " Racing Regulation Act 2004 " from the definition of racecourse and substituting "Racing Regulation and Integrity Act 2024";
(c) by omitting " Racing Regulation Act 2004 " from the definition of race meeting and substituting "Racing Regulation and Integrity Act 2024".
PART 5 - Dog Control Act 2000 Amended

10.   Principal Act

In this Part, the Dog Control Act 2000 is referred to as the Principal Act.

11.    Section 18 amended (Effective control of greyhounds)

Section 18(5) of the Principal Act is amended by omitting "Rules of Racing made under section 11(1)(k) of the Racing Regulation Act 2004" from the definition of greyhound racing and substituting "Rules of Racing made under section 62 of the Racing Regulation and Integrity Act 2024".

12.    Section 18A amended (Approval of greyhound suitability program)

Section 18A of the Principal Act is amended as follows:
(a) by omitting from subsection (1) "The Director of Racing" and substituting "Tasracing";
(b) by omitting from subsection (2) "the Director of Racing" and substituting "Tasracing";
(c) by omitting from subsection (2)(b) "the Director" and substituting "Tasracing";
(d) by omitting from subsection (3) "The Director of Racing" and substituting "Tasracing";
(e) by omitting the definition of Director of Racing from subsection (4) and substituting the following definition:
Tasracing means Tasracing Pty Ltd formed under section 5 of the Racing (Tasracing Pty Ltd) Act 2009.
PART 6 - Gaming Control Act 1993 Amended

13.   Principal Act

In this Part, the Gaming Control Act 1993 is referred to as the Principal Act.

14.    Section 3 amended (Interpretation)

Section 3(1) of the Principal Act is amended as follows:
(a) by omitting " Racing Regulation Act 2004 " from the definition of racing club and substituting "Racing Regulation and Integrity Act 2024";
(b) by omitting paragraph (b) from the definition of regulatory Agency and substituting the following paragraph:
(b) the Tasmanian Racing Integrity Commissioner appointed under section 7 of the Racing Regulation and Integrity Act 2024; or

15.    Section 76B amended (Offence to conduct gaming business without endorsed Tasmanian gaming licence)

Section 76B(4)(a)(i) of the Principal Act is amended by omitting " Racing Regulation Act 2004 " and substituting "Racing Regulation and Integrity Act 2024".

16.    Section 76XC amended (Additional conditions on Tasmanian gaming licence with totalizator endorsement)

Section 76XC(b) of the Principal Act is amended by omitting " Racing Regulation Act 2004 " and substituting "Racing Regulation and Integrity Act 2024".

17.    Section 76ZDM amended (Restrictions on wagering by interested persons)

Section 76ZDM(7) of the Principal Act is amended by omitting paragraph (a) from the definition of licensed and substituting:
(a) the Rules of Racing within the meaning of the Racing Regulation and Integrity Act 2024; or

18.    Section 76ZED amended (Initial totalizator endorsement)

Section 76ZED(6) of the Principal Act is amended by omitting " section 86 or Part 7 of the Racing Regulation Act 2004 " and substituting "section 167 or Part 9 of the Racing Regulation and Integrity Act 2024".

19.    Section 76ZEE amended (Second totalizator endorsement)

Section 76ZEE(5) of the Principal Act is amended by omitting " section 86 or Part 7 of the Racing Regulation Act 2004 " and substituting "section 167 or Part 9 of the Racing Regulation and Integrity Act 2024".
PART 7 - Judicial Review Act 2000 Amended

20.   Principal Act

In this Part, the Judicial Review Act 2000 is referred to as the Principal Act.

21.    Schedule 1 amended (Decisions to which Act does not apply)

Clause 3(h) of Schedule 1 to the Principal Act is amended by omitting " Racing Regulation Act 2004 " and substituting "Racing Regulation and Integrity Act 2024".
PART 8 - Justices Rules 2003 Amended

22.   Principal Rules

In this Part, the Justices Rules 2003 are referred to as the Principal Rules.

23.    Schedule 2 amended (Offences)

Schedule 2 to the Principal Rules is amended by omitting " Racing Regulation Act 2004 " from column 2 of item 22 and substituting "Racing Regulation and Integrity Act 2024".
PART 9 - Racing (Tasracing Pty Ltd) Act 2009 Amended

24.   Principal Act

In this Part, the Racing (Tasracing Pty Ltd) Act 2009 is referred to as the Principal Act.

25.    Section 3 amended (Interpretation)

Section 3(2) of the Principal Act is amended by omitting " Racing Regulation Act 2004 " and substituting "Racing Regulation and Integrity Act 2024".

26.    Section 6 amended (Principal objectives of Company)

Section 6(b) of the Principal Act is amended by omitting " Racing Regulation Act 2004 " and substituting "Racing Regulation and Integrity Act 2024".

27.    Schedule 1 amended (Provisions to be included in constitution)

Clause 2 of Schedule 1 to the Principal Act is amended by omitting " Racing Regulation Act 2004 " and substituting "Racing Regulation and Integrity Act 2024".
PART 10 - Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 1988 Amended

28.   Principal Act

In this Part, the Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 1988 is referred to as the Principal Act.

29.    Section 4DC amended (Jockeys)

Section 4DC(4) of the Principal Act is amended as follows:
(a) by omitting the definition of Director ;
(b) by omitting "the the Director" from the definition of licensed and substituting "Tasracing";
(c) by omitting " Racing Regulation Act 2004 " from the definition of Rules of Racing and substituting "Racing Regulation and Integrity Act 2024".
PART 11 - Concluding Provision

30.   Repeal of Act

This Act is repealed on the first anniversary of the day on which it commenced.

[Second reading presentation speech made in:

House of Assembly on 11 JUNE 2024

Legislative Council on 14 AUGUST 2024]