Displayed and numbered in accordance with the Rules Publication Act 1953.
Notified in the Gazette on 27 December 2023
These regulations are administered in the Department of Natural Resources and Environment Tasmania.
(This note is not part of the regulation)
These regulations provide for the following matters, in respect of the container refund scheme, for the purposes of the Container Refund Scheme Act 2022 :(a) prescribing certain containers as being exempt from the scheme;(b) specifying who is the first responsible supplier under the scheme;(c) specifying the circumstances in which a refund is not payable under the scheme;(d) prescribing (i) the refund amount payable under the scheme in respect of a container; and(ii) the marks required to be displayed on a container for a refund to be payable under the scheme; and(iii) the maximum number of containers that may be deposited under the scheme at any one time;(e) prescribing certain requirements for scheme participants;(f) providing for guidelines to be published in respect of that Act and the scheme.